General information:
West Grey Community Services is pleased to present the Neustadt Craft Show.
Join us and over 99 vendors from all over Ontario who will attend with their crafts, hobbies, home projects and more!
Date: Saturday May 3, 2025 (Spring)
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: 210 Forler Street, Neustadt, Ontario
General Admission: $2.00 per person (cash only)
Show vendor information:
Spring Registration open: Wednesday February 5, 2025 12 p.m. (Noon)
Price: $40 per booth (non-hydro) / $45 per booth (with hydro) / $50.00 per premium booth (with hydro)
Booth size: 8' x 8' (approximate)
Items provided: One table, two chairs (additional tables and chairs will not be provided)
Maximum spaces: Vendors can book a maximum of two spaces. If booking more than one space, please confirm with the map below that the spaces are side-by-side
Vendor setup: Friday May 2 (2 –7 p.m.) / Saturday May 3 (7 – 9 a.m.). Vendors must be setup by 8:45 a.m. for a 9:00 a.m. open to the public
Vendor cleanup: Vendors are asked to remain set up until 3 p.m.
To view booth placement click here
Registration information:
- Vendors are required to provide proof of insurance naming the Municipality of West Grey as an additional insured for all craft shows. Insurance must provided a minimum 30 days in advance of the show. Insurance for the Fall show can be purchased directly through Duuo at the link here or through any insurance provider provided it meets a minimum 2 million dollars liability coverage. Insurance documents can be emailed to
- Booth registration is based on a first come first serve basis. Booth number, placement and locations from previous years will not be guaranteed.
- Registration for the fall show will open the first Wednesday in August, and the registration for the spring show will open the first Wednesday in February.
- Hydro booths are only available at the exterior of the vendor floor. If you require a booth with hydro, please book accordingly. Vendors are required to bring their own extension cord / power bar. Booths with hydro only have access to a single 3-prong outlet.
- Multi Level Marketing (MLM) / Direct Sales vendors are asked to contact the West Grey office at 519-369-2200 or email prior to registering to ensure no repeat vendors.
- Vendors are permitted to bring additional tables, chairs, storage etc., but it must fit within the bounds of the booth and cannot impede the walkway.
- Payment via cheque must be pre-arranged.
- Cancelation less than one month before the show will result in forfeit of registration fee.
- Multiples of the same vendor / item type can not be guaranteed.
- All booth locations and placement are approximate and cannot be guaranteed. Booth switching or re-arranging will not be permitted.