Boards and committees provide advice, make recommendations to council or adjudicate upon particular municipal matters. They provide citizens with an opportunity to participate in the present and future direction of the municipality. Serving on a council committee is a great way to participate in the decision making process, give back to the community and get involved with local government.
For more information, contact the clerk's office at 519-369-2200 ext. 229.
Appeal committee |
Committee members:
Council appointments to external committees, boards and agencies |
Durham cemetery board |
The Durham Cemetery board established in accordance with the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act are responsible for the operation of the Durham Cemetery. Board members:
Elmwood Community Centre joint board |
The Elmwood Community Center board (ECC) is a joint collaboration between the Municipality of Brockton and Municipality of West Grey to manage recreation programs and operations of the Elmwood lions hall, Elmwood community center hall, ball diamond and adjoining park lands. The board develops and maintains an annual operating and capital budget with financial assistance from the Municipality of Brockton and the Municipality of West Grey. Board members:
Elmwood fire department joint board |
The Elmwood fire department joint board of management was established by an agreement between the Municipality of West Grey and the Municipality of Brockton for the administration of the Elmwood fire department. Board members:
Stothart Hall joint board |
The Stothart Hall joint committee advises council on matters relating to Stothart Hall. It is a joint board established with the Municipality of Grey Highlands and the Municipality of West Grey. Board members:
Union cemetery board |
The Union Cemetery board established in accordance with the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act are responsible for the operation of the Union Cemetery. Board members:
Committees and boards authorized by separate bylaws
West Grey committee of adjustment |
West Grey's committee of adjustment is appointed by bylaw 95-2022. The municipality's committee of adjustment is responsible for considering applications for minor variances to the zoning by-law. Committee members:
West Grey police services board |
The police services board is established pursuant to the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, S.O. 2019, c. 1, Sched. 1. The purpose of the police services board is to establish priorities, objectives and policies regarding policing in West Grey. It is responsible for the provision of adequate and effective police services in the municipality, meeting the requirements of the citizens and the guidelines under the Community Safety and Policing Act. Board members:
West Grey property standards committee |
The West Grey property standards committee is appointed by bylaw 2023-101. The property standards appeal committee hears appeals to order to comply to bring a property into compliance with the property standards by-law. The committee can quash, uphold, or modify an order. Meetings for the property standards committee are called as needed. Committee members:
West Grey public library board |
The West Grey Public Library is "under the management and control of a board which is a corporation" (Public Libraries Act). Under provincial legislation, the board is charged with seeking "to provide, in cooperation with other boards, a comprehensive and efficient public library service that reflects the community's unique needs." Board members:
Accessibility of documents:
Documents are available in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the clerk's department at 519-369-2200 ext. 229 or email if you require an accessible format or communication support.