TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Municipality of West Grey hereby gives notice of intention enact a bylaw to stop up and close the unopened road allowances in the geographic town of Durham on Registered Plan 16R-12151, legally known as:
- Part 2, being part of Park Street, Plan 508, being all of PIN 37222-0219 (LT);
- Part 3, being part of Park Street, Plan 508, being all of PIN 37222-0220 (LT);
- Part 4, being part of Park Street, Plan 508, being all of PIN 37222-0221 (LT);
- Part 5, being part of Park Street, Plan 508, being all of PIN 37222-0222 (LT);
- Part 7, being part of John Street, Plan 508, being part of PIN 37222-0216 (LT);
- Part 9, being part of Jackson Street, Plan 508, being part of PIN 37222-0218 (LT);
- Part 11, being part of Hunter Street, Plan 508, being part of PIN 37222-0217 (LT);
- Part 13, being part of George Street, Plan 508, being all of PIN 37222-0223 (LT);
- Part 14, being part of George Street, Plan 508, being all of PIN 37222-0224 (LT);
- Part 15, being part of George Street, Plan 508, being all of PIN 37222-0225 (LT); and
- Part 16, being part of George Street, Plan 508, being all of PIN 37222-0226 (LT).
The bylaw to stop up and close the subject lands will be considered by council at their meeting being held in council chambers, 402813 Grey Road 4 Durham, ON, N0G 1R0 on January 14, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
Questions on the proposed bylaw can be directed to Jamie Eckenswiller, AOMC, AMP, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk at clerk@westgrey.com or 519-369-2200 ext. 229.