Take notice that the Corporation of the Municipality of West Grey hereby gives notice of the intention to sell lands known as the unopened and unmaintained road allowance between Lot 50 and 51, Concession 2 SDR, being the junction of Sideroad 50 and South Line, in the geographic Township of Glenelg.
The above noted lands were declared to be surplus to the needs of the Municipality by resolution at the regular meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of West Grey held on February 15, 2022.
A location map is posted outlining the said parcel of land in red.
Council intends to sell this parcel of land pursuant to the provisions of West Grey bylaw No. 23-2008, Sale and Disposition of Land.
The municipality shall accept sealed bids until 4 p.m. on May 13, 2022.
Any interested party may submit a sealed bid to the West Grey municipal office at 402813 Grey Road 4, RR #2, Durham, Ontario, N0G 1R0, addressed to the attention of CAO Laura Johnston prior to 4 p.m. on May 13, 2022.
Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope and include the following information:
- Identify the bidders’ name
- Contact information
- Offer amount
- Details of any conditions on the offer
- Proposed closing date
The highest or any offer may not necessarily be accepted.